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Product updates / Beta: Data Monitoring

Beta: Data Monitoring

Product update: February 21, 2024

Author: Sophie Barwood

Spend less time checking your data and more time using it

When it comes to data integration, automating your data collection is a huge time saver but it doesn’t entirely eliminate a secondary problem; ensuring your data is fully accurate.

With our new Data Quality Suite, we want to close the gap between ingesting your data and using it confidently. With a range of powerful features that detect and alert you to issues with your data, you can now catch issues faster and ensure your data remains trustworthy for you and your colleagues as new data arrives each day.


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Questions our Data Quality Suite can help you answer:

  • Does my data conform to our specific business rules, for example in the correct date, or from a prescribed list of values? 
  • Are there any duplicated rows - for e.g. from data sources containing manually entered data such as Google Sheets or Microsoft Files? 
  • Are there any gaps in my data, like missing product IDs or meta data?
  • Are there unexpected changes to my data, such as large volume increases or decreases?
  • Is everything updating on schedule?

Be an early adopter

The Data Quality Suite will be available as an add-on, from Q4 this year. 

If you would like to participate in this beta or to get early access to upcoming releases around data quality, please reach out to your account manager.