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Company name: Adverity GmbH

Legal form: Limited liability company

Managing Directors: Martin Brunthaler, Mag.(FH) Alexander Igelsböck

Business purpose: IT services

VAT number: ATU70409426

Company register number: 448481g

Company registered at: Commercial Court of Vienna

Registered office: Vienna, Austria

Address: Rathausstraße 1/2nd floor, 1010 Vienna, Austria

Contact details:
Tel.: +43 1 8903155

Memberships in Chamber of Commerce organizations:

Member of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce, Information and Consulting division

Applicable regulations and access to them: Professional law: Trade Regulation Act

Supervisory/Trade authority: Magistratisches Bezirksamt of the 1st district

Type of trade: Free trade

Trade wording: Services in automatic data processing and information technology

Information on online dispute resolution:

Consumers have the option of submitting complaints to the EU's online dispute resolution platform: They can also send any complaint to the above email address.

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